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Today we seek to face these realities with gratitude for our past, wisdom in the present, and hope for the future.
We also acknowledge how challenging it can be to navigate differences and engage in meaningful conversations in constructive, healthy ways. We are creating opportunities to engage in meaningful questions in healthy ways.
We have collected the following exercises, articles, and tools to deepen our individual adn collective practice of gratitude, kindness, compassion, and hope… They are examples and practical exercises, many of which Pastor Kevin referenced in recent sermons.
There is no expectation that anyone would explore all of them – or any of them for that matter. And yet, we share them to encourage, embolden, and inspire us to lean into the core values of our faith to meet this moment with healing, hope, and love.
On the Page You will Find
Healthy Conversations
10 Commandments of Healthy Conversations
The "10 Commandments of Healthy Communications" were distributed by author Brian McLaren at the Deep Shift Conference with permission to "use them and make your own." (Referenced in Oct 20 sermon)

Dialogue to Navigate Polarization
A program from Greater Good Science Center that explores evidence-based strategies to improve dialogue, understanding, and relationships across social and political divides. (Referenced in Oct 6 sermon)

4 Week program to Overcome Polarization
StartsWith.us offers a free 4 week, science-based "skill-building bootcamp" to learn how to use conflict constructively and develop ways to overcome polarization. (Referenced in Oct 6 sermon)

Healing Our World through Group Processes
A spiritually-grounded approach based on the four phase Spiral of Johanna Macy, i.e., 1) Gratitude, 2) Honoring Our Pain, 3) Seeing with New Eyes, 4) Sending Fourth. (Referenced in Nov 3 sermon)

Whether in your personal prayers or as we gather in groups, we believe in and encourage prayer. We encourage all to continually pray for God’s vision and direction for your life and our life together. We also ask you to hold in prayer our leaders, congregation, and pastor.
Weekly prayer meetings are held at 6:30 pm Wednesday evenings. All are welcome.
Kindness, Compassion, & Empathy
Helpful and informative articles related to kindness:
- Psychology Today The Remarkable Power of Kindness, and Why it Matters
- Greater Good Magazine How Kindness fits into a happier Life
- American Psychological Association Practicing the right kind of Empathy

Daily Practices to Foster Kindness
A free resource to encourage a week of intentional kindness. A theme and activity is suggested for each day. (Referenced in Oct 13 sermon)

Daily Practices to Foster Kindness
A free 31 day program that fosters kindness through daily challenges that often require 5 to 10 minutes to complete. (Referenced in Oct 14 sermon)
Empathy Circles
Resources to facilitate a structured dialogue process based on mutual active listening that increases constructive dialogue and mutual understanding by ensuring that each person feels fully heard to their satisfaction.

Creating Communities of Compassion and Circles of Trust
A global movement to provide resources to foster compassionate communities and tools to facilitate circles of trust. The journey begins with signing the Charter of Compassion.
Humility & Hope
Helpful and informative articles related to Compassion, Empathy and Humility:
- Greater Good Magazine How Humility Can Help Us Bridge Our Political Divides
- PLOS ONE Intellectual humility associated with constructive responses to conflict
- OpenAccessGovernment.org Bridging the cultural divide in social discourse
- Harvard Health Publishing Hope and Why it Matters

Center for Nonviolent Communication
Nonviolent Communication (NVC), developed by Marshall Rosenberg, emphasizes compassion, empathy, and understanding. By using NVC, we can engage in respectful and compassionate communication, fostering positive and respectful interactions. Tools, training, books, and more.

Active Hope Training
A free online course designed to strengthen your ability to make a difference in the world. The emphasis is on how we learn to respond to challenge, conflict, and uncertainty,
The Change Cycle

A helpful model of the many ways that we – as individuals, groups, and a community – experience change, comes from Ann Salerno and Rev. Lillie Brock. The mode helps you locate where you may be on the journey and what questions or activities may be beneficial.
They summarize the model and various stages on their website, The Change Cycle, and present the model in greater detail in their book.
Rev. Lillie Brock has used the model to help churches of various sizes and is a colleague and friend of Pastor Kevin.
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