“What does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?” – Micah 6:8
We seek to follow the Foundational Justice Commitments of the newly formed Southern New England Conference. Justice and Witness Ministries, one of four Covenanted Ministries of the UCC, helps local congregations and all settings of the church respond to God’s commandments to do justice, seek peace and effect change for a better world. The work of JWM is guided by the pronouncements and resolutions approved by the UCC at General Synod.
In solidarity with the UCC’s efforts to promote Racial Justice, we are committed to offering opportunities for dialogue and learning, including a recent book study on Waking Up White. We have an ongoing partnership with the Willimantic Branch of the NAACP and participate in their ongoing film series and community conversations.
Our church’s Green Team strives to be responsible stewards of God’s creation, to advocate for environmental issues, to educate our members, and to work toward public policy change for the well-being of all creatures on our holy planet. As a facet of our environmental stewardship, we installed solar panels on the church roof.
The Open and Affirming Ministry of the Southern New England Conference works to welcome and advocate for full participation of all persons in the life of the church without regard for their sexual orientation. Read our ONA Statement.
- One Great Hour of Sharing is collected in Lent and proceeds benefit disaster relief, both in national and international settings.
- Strengthen The Church Offering is collected on Pentecost Sunday. Proceeds benefit Discipleship Ministries, including Silver Lake, Youth Ministry Programs, and Faith Formation.