Thank you for your faithful support of the many missions and ministries of our congregation.
You may set up a recurring donation, including your 2022 pledge, online here, or contact us if you have a question.
Click to read more about our 2022 Stewardship campaign and why we are building our future about the rock of our past!
While you are here, we invite you to watch this brief testimony about the power of community!
Or learn a some interesting tidbits about our history
Dear Friends of FCCW,
This year’s Stewardship Campaign Theme is “On the Rock of What has Been We are building What is to Be”which provides us a perfect opportunity to look at the rich history of our church which includes Pulpit Rock,
General George Washington (yes that General Washington!), and more locally, close ties to Henry Bowen and his descendents. FCCW remains a well-spring of compassion, service, and hope as it has been for over 300 years in this community, and together we are charged with building it’s future.
Over the past year we have fortified our faith by developing and polishing online services as well as meaningful ways to worship in-person and virtually, together, as one, faith filled community. Our Board of Outreach continues to serve those in the wider community by gathering food, school supplies and fresh produce in collaboration with local service organizations such as TEEG and the Lion’s Club. Support for our ministries continued through modified fundraisers including an on-line Silent Auction as part of Christmas on the Hill, an Italian Dinner To-Go!, participation in the Townwide Tag Sale and the Woodstock Fair’s Chicken BBQ, a tradition since 1956!
As we begin our 2021 Stewardship Campaign this fall, we encourage you to reflect on this history of ours, remember how we’ve grown in unexpected ways over the past year, and envision a hope filled future together, serving compassionately. With all this in mind, take a moment and consider how you can support your vision and ensure our future together as one faith community.
As we continue managing our lives through this pandemic, your Stewardship Committee understands that support is given in many forms and which all build our community. Our goal is for 100% participation and respectfully request that each and everyone of you prayerfully consider your pledge for 2022.
To those of you who have pledged in the past, we thank you, and hope you will consider increasing your pledge for the coming year. If you have not pledged before, please consider the many ways that the FCCW has been a rock in your life and how you can provide financial support and be the foundation of this church in 2022.
September 26th is the official start of our fall 2021 Stewardship Campaign. Pledges will be blessed during the worship service on Sunday, October 24 th . Please join us and set up your pledge/recurning giving here, or click here to print your 2021 Pledge form and mail it to the church as soon as possible.
In peace and with gratitude,
Jim Nowak Charles Bottieri Paula Wilmot