The end of the year is marked by many holiday traditions and celebrations at the First Congregational Church of Woodstock, including an outdoor carol sing, traditional Christmas Eve service of lessons and carols, a “giving tree” in support of TEEG, our Christmas Pageant, and more.
All are welcome wherever you find yourself on your life or spiritual journey, whether you are feeling joyful or not.
Below is 2024’s list of activities

Worship series "On the Way to Bethlehem" Dec 1 - Jan 5
“It’s not the destination, it’s the journey”– Ralph Waldo Emerson.
This Advent and Christmas season we will slow down and focus on the journey, exploring the spiritual truths and meaning of the many places and characters that we encounter “On the Way to Bethlehem.”
We will experience wonder, awe, mystery, and joy as we are drawn into the story in new ways. Worship in person Sundays at 10am will be recorded and posted on Facebook, Youtube, and our homepage.
Advent Devotional Available
This year’s Advent and Christmas devotional is based on our worship series and the Advent Study by Rob Fuquay, On the Way to Bethlehem.” You can download a PDF to print or view on a smart device, or you can pick up a hard copy on Sunday in the sanctuary.
The devotional was created by Marci McFee and Worship Design Studio.
Our Favorite Things Potluck Dec 15 following worship
On December 15, we will have a community potluck following worship.
In keeping with the spirit of the season, our theme for this event is “Our Favorite Things.”
Simply bring a dish that holds a special place in your heart, maybe it is your all time favorite food, maybe the dish is a holiday food, maybe the dish simply reminds you of a time, a place, a person. Whatever it is, we invite you to bring this dish to the “Our Favorite Things Potluck” on December 15 following worship.
If you prefer to not cook, simply come! Enjoy the community. And, if you would like bring the recipe (or a story) for your favorite or special food.

A Christmas Carol , Dec 22 10am
As we continue our journey toward Christ being born among us, we explore the place of transformation.
Our music ministry and members of our congregation will stage a shorten version of the familiar Christmas classic, “A Christmas Carol.”

Christmas Eve Service, Dec 24, 7:30pm
Christmas Eve Traditional Service of Lessons, Carols and Candlelight.
One of the most beautiful services of the year, we welcome God’s love being born among us. Familiar carols and stories guide us as we wonder how this old, old story might give new meaning to our lives today.
This year’s Christmas offering will be used to address the epidemic of loneliness in the Quiet Corner.
All are Welcome!

Brunch Church, Dec 29, 10am
On this last Sunday of the year we promise good company, meaningful connection, and joyful conversation.
Worship will be a pot-luck brunch held in the Dining Hall. All are welcome! Come as you are, bring what you can.
Past Events

Gift Sunday, Dec 1, 10am
Form mid-November through early December, congregants gather toys, clothing, and food to make the holidays a little brighter for our neighbors. Gifts are gathered and brought to the sanctuary where we will bless the gifts before bringing them to our longtime ministry partner TEEG.